Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza

Buy your bullfight tickets to see Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza in all fairs and bullrings where Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza fight this season 2016. Official sale of bullfight tickets.

*Photo: Opinionytoros and FIT.

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Bullfighter Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza

Date of Birth: On April 11, 1966 in Estella, Navarra

Debut in Las Ventas: The day May 20, 1995

Alternative: In Tafalla on August 18, 1989

It is a famous Spanish rejoneador. He is currently considered the best bullfighter on horseback in active roster.

It began as a child in horsemanship. As a teenager his family moved to Logroño, where he saw a run shank with Joao Moura and Alvaro Domecq son who left him shocked: then decided to join his love of riding with bulls and engage in bullfighting on horseback. It was not an easy decision and found many difficulties to live in an area with little tradition of bullfighting on horseback and counted celebrations.

In 2010 the Government of Navarra awarded the Prize Francisco Javier.

Winner of Best Rejoneador of San Isidro Fair Madrid 2019.