Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Ciudad Real: Ciudad Real, Alcazar de San Juan, Almodobar del Campo, Almadén, Almagro, Bolaños de Calatrava, Brazatortas, Daimiel, Manzanares, Puertollano, Santa Cruz de Mudela, La Solana, Torralba de Calatrava. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Ciudad Real: Ciudad Real, Alcazar de San Juan, Almodobar del Campo, Almadén, Almagro, Bolaños de Calatrava, Brazatortas, Daimiel, Manzanares, Puertollano, Santa Cruz de Mudela, La Solana, Torralba de Calatrava. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Bullfight tickets to Alcazar de San Juan, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Alcazar de San Juan. Bullfighting Festivals 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data. Alcazar de San Juan is to 95 km from the Ciudad Real. How to get from Ciudad Real to Alcazar de San Juan
Bullfighting Festivals: September.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Sending of PDF tickets, to gain access to the bullring you must print the PDF FILE. Food cannot be brought in.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-20:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Ciudad Real, bullring.
Bullring of Almodovar del Campo, Madrid. Bullfighting Festival of Almodovar del Campo in 2025. Almodóvar del Campo is to 46 km from Ciudad Real (40 minutes' drive from Ciudad Real). How to get here | Driving Direction
Bullfighting Fair: September 20th and 21st.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Alomodovar del Campo: Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Almodovar del Campo. Sending of PDF tickets. To gain access to the bullring you must print the PDF FILE. Please make sure that you receive our mails.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales Almodóvar del Campo bullring.
Bullfight tickets to Almadén, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Almadén. Bullfighting Festivals 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data. Almaden is to 108 km from the Ciudad Real. How to get to Almadén from Ciudad Real.
Bullfighting Festivals: July and September.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. To enter to the bullring, you must pick tickets up on the bullring box office. We will send you an e-mail when tickets are ready.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Almadén bullring.
Bullfight Tickets for all organized bullfights in the Bullring of Almagro, Ciudad Real. Bullfighting Festival of Almagro in August 2025. All the information about bullfighting, bullfighters and bullring of Almagro. You can discover the varied traditions of a small countryside town. Almagro is located 25 kilometres from Ciudad Real Center. How to get to Almagro.
Bullfighting festival San Bartolome.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Almagro: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Almagro Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Almagro. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Almagro bullring.
Bullfighting tickets Bolaños de Calatraba, for all bullfighting shows organized in the bullring of Bolaños de Calatraba. Patron Festivities 2025. Official sale of all bullfighting celebrations organized in Bolaños de Calatraba. Official box office tickets and free home delivery. Bolaños de Calatraba is located 34 km from Ciudad Real (32 minutes by car). How to get from Ciudad real to Bolaños de Calatraba.
* Children from 4 to 12 years old reduced in ticket office
Patron Saint Festivities: September.
Request your tickets in advance and be the first to buy. Servitoro, as an official sales service, offers you the possibility to purchase your tickets easily and safely from your home, avoiding long lines and waiting at the ticket office.
If you need more information you can contact us by mail or by calling 963308593 (Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00).
Servitoro, Official ticket office for bullfighting tickets Bullring of Bolaños de Calatraba, Ciudad Real.
Bullfight tickets to Brazatortas, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Brazatortas. Fiestas Patronales en honor al Cristo de Orense 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data. Brazatortas is located 60 km from Ciudad Real (45 mins by car). How to get from Ciudad real to Brazatortas.
Fiestas Patronales en honor al Cristo de Orense : Still needs to be confirmed.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-20:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Brazatortas, Ciudad Real bullring.
Bullfight tickets to Ciudad Real, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Ciudad Real. Feria de la Virgen del Prado 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals.
Virgen del Prado fetivities: August.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Ciudad Real, bullring.
Bullfight tickets to Daimiel, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Daimiel. Bullfighting Fair 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Bullfighting Fair: the 1st of September.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Entries are sent to the e-mail address you registered with in PDF file.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday).
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Daimiel bullring.
Bullfight tickets to Manzanares 2025, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Manzanares. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Bullfighting show: July.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Ciudad Real bullring.
Bullfight Tickets to Puertollano for all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Puertollano, Ciudad Real. Festival of Puertollano May 2025. Puertollano is to 42 km from Ciudad Real (38 minutes' drive from Ciudad Real). How to get here | Driving Direction.
Bullfighting festival: dates to be confirmed.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Puertollano: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Puertollano Bullring. Complete the request information about Puertollano. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday).
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Puertollano, Ciudad Real bullring.
Bullfighting tickets Torralba de Calatrava, for all bullfighting shows organized in the bullring of Torralba de Calatrava. Bullfighting Festivities 2025. Official sale of all bullfighting celebrations organized in Torralba de Calatrava. Official box office tickets. Torralba de Calatraba is located 20 km from Ciudad Real (20 minutes by car).
Bullfighting Festivities: September.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Torralba de Calatrava Request your tickets in advance and be the first to buy. Servitoro, as an official sales service, offers you the possibility to purchase your tickets easily and safely from your home, avoiding long lines and waiting at the ticket office. To enter to the bullring, you must pick tickets up on the bullring box office. We will send you an e-mail when tickets are ready.
If you need more information you can contact us by mail or by calling 963308593 (Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00).
Servitoro, Official ticket office for bullfighting tickets Bullring of Torralba de Calatrava (Ciudad Real).
Bullfight Tickets to Santa Cruz de Mudela for all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Santa Cruz de Mudela, Ciudad Real. Festival of Santa Cruz de Mudela April 2025. Santa Cruz de Mudela is to 82,8 km from Ciudad Real (1 hour 3 minutes' drive from Ciudad Real). How to get here | Driving Direction.
Bullfighting festival: Dates to be confirmed.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Santa Cruz de Mudela: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Santa Cruz de Mudela Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Santa Cruz de Mudela. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Santa Cruz de Mudela, Ciudad Real bullring.
Bullfight Tickets to La Solana for all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Solana (Ciudad Real). La Solana is to 72 km from Ciudad Real (53 minutes' drive from Ciudad Real). How to get here | Driving Direction.
Bullfighting Festival: still needs to be confirmed.
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Solana, Ciudad Real bullring.
Bullfight tickets Valdepeñas, for all bullfighting events organized in the bullring of Valdepeñas. Fair and Festivities 2025. Official sale of all bullfighting events organized in Valdepeñas. Official box office tickets and free home delivery. Valdepeñas is located 65.5 km from Ciudad Real. How to get from Ciudad Real to Valdepeñas.
Programming of bullfights in the bullring of Valdepeñas 2025:
Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the La Línea de la Concepción Bullring. You will have to pick the tickets up at the box office of the bullring on the day of the event, you must show your ID and order number.
If you desire more information, please contact us at or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official box office of bullfighting tickets sale Bullring of Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real.
Bullfight Tickets Almagro 2024. Date to be confirmed. Great city of La Mancha, where Carrales are...
Bullfight tickets Almodovar del Campo 2024. Buy tickets Bullring Almodovar del Campo. Pending confirm the date. Speaking of parties...
Bullfight tickets Puertollano 2024. Date to be confirmed. With the arrival of May Fair celebrates its Big Puertollano dating from 1895,...
Bullfight tickets Santa Cruz de Mudela 2023. Buy your tickets for Santa Cruz de Mudela. Pending confirm the date. Feast of San Marcos is...
Bullfight tickets La Solana 2024. Pending confirm the date. Buy tickets La Solana Bullring. Posters, bullfighters, herds. Request...
Bullfight Tickets Ciudad Real 2024. Discover the land of windmillssince the province is the scene...
Bullfight tickets Almaden 2024. Buy your tickets to Almaden bullring. Order your advance tickets from Bullring Almaden, as soon...
Bullfight tickets Alcazar de San Juan 2023. Buy your tickets to Alcazar de San Juan bullring. Order your advance tickets from Bullring...
Bullfight tickets Brazatortas 2024. Buy your tickets to Brazatortas bullring. Date to be confirmed. Order your advance tickets from...
Bullfight Tickets Daimiel 2024. Buy your tickets to Daimiel bullring. City of Las Tablas with international importance due to...
Bullfight Tickets Manzanares 2024. Buy your tickets to Manzanares bullring. All the information about bullfighting,...
Bullfight Tickets Bolaños de Calatrava 2024. Buy your tickets to Bolaños de Calatrava bullring. All the...
Bullfight tickets Torralba de Calatrava 2024. Buy your tickets to Torralba de Calatrava bullring. All the information...
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