Veiga Teixeira View larger

Veiga Teixeira

Bulls of Veiga Teixeira. All the information about cattle firms, owner, insignia, farms, acronym and history. Buy your tickets for all bullfighting events with the bulls of Veiga Teixeira.

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Bulls Veiga Teixeira

Owner: D. Antonio Francisco Malta da Veiga Teixeira.

Currency: red and black.

Acronym: UCT.

Ear signal: orejisana on both.

Ranch farm: 'Pedrogâo' y 'Herdade do Meio', Évora, Portugal.

History: In 1918 Don Félix Suárez formed this cattle ranch with Santa Coloma cattle, in 1929 it was sold to Mr. Duque de Tovar. From his death, that same year, until 1947, it was announced in the name of the heirs of the Duke of Tovar, being divided in five lots, and the one corresponding to Don Rafael and Don Alfonso Figueroa y Bermejillo was sold to Don Tomás de la Cal, who in 1959 sold it to the brothers García Fialho who sold it to Don Antonio de Veiga Teixeira in 1968, who increased it with cattle of "Oliveiras Irmãos".