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El Fundi bullfighter

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Bullfighter José Pedro Prados Martín

El Fundi

Date of Birth: Born on December 23, 1966 in Fuenlabrada (Spain, Madrid)

Debut with picadors: In Fuenlabrada (Madrid) on September 17, 1983

Debut in Las Ventas: The July 21, 1983 I acartelado with José Luis Bote and Miguel de la Llana with young bulls of Pablo Mayoral.

Alternative: Villaviciosa (Spain, Madrid province) of 22 September 1987.Godfather, Joselito, Witness, Jose Luis Bote. Taurus Livestock Antonio Arribas, Envoy, No. 12. The man of the Enlightenment: Azabache Bordeaux. (Ovation).

Confirmation alternative to Madrid: 22 May 1988. The Godfather, "Joselito" Witness, José Luis Bote. Bulls Livestock Antonio Arribas, Guardian, black Bragado, No. 35, 545 kg. The man of the Enlightenment: Grana y Oro (Applause).

It is a Spanish matador de toros. It is considered by fans as toristas senior specialist of the corridas "hard" bulls. He is highly respected for their professionalism, their regularity and their free antlers.

It is also breeder (Livestock Jose Pedro Prados), cattle donated by Carlos Nunez.

Debut novillada not bite: September 13 1981en Colmenar de Oreja (Spain, Madrid), José Luis Bote and Juan Carlos Gonzalez. Livestock ERAL hint Adela.

Presentation in Madrid of novillada not bite: July 21, 1983, with José Luis Bote and Miguel de la Llana. Livestock ERAL Pablo Mayoral

Novillada bite Debut: September 17, 1983 in Fuenlabrada. Steers José Infante House.

France Presentation: Arles (Department of Bouches-du-Rhone) on 21 October 1989 by Richard Milian and Jose Antonio Carretero. Bulls Livestock Hubert Yonnet. (Back, an ear.)

Presentation in the United States: Lima (Peru) on December 3, 1995 along with Alejandro Silveti and Miguel Rodriguez. Livestock bulls Javier Garfias. (Ovation).