Agustín Montes' bulls disembarks for Easter Sunday

Published : 2017-06-02 00:00:00
Categories : Programs and fairs

Yesterday, the Montealto bullfight was unloaded at the corrals of Las Ventas.

The bullfight will take place next April 16th, Easter Sunday. A total of eight bulls have been approved by the management team for the mano a mano between Curro Díaz and José Garrido.

The breeder, Agustín Montes, has highlighted the care and work in the presentation of the only bullfight he has this year. Montealto has scored with the four bulls he has fought in the last few seasons at Las Ventas. The bullfighters have cut ears in all of them, highlighting May 2, 2015 when Morenito de Aranda and López Simón came out on shoulders.

Simón Casas defined this bullfight, in the presentation of the poster, as a "revenge to destiny" between two matadors who left a heroic mano a mano in the last Feria de Otoño.

Los de Montealto en Las Ventas.