Fernando Adrián: the event in Valdetorres de Jarama

Published : 2024-04-14 07:00:23
Categories : Breaking News

The poster for the upcoming April 27th event in the Madrid town of Valdetorres de Jarama is quite a spectacle. It will feature three pillars in each of their ranks: the top figure of horseback bullfighting Diego Ventura, last year’s breakout bullfighter Fernando Adrián, and the great revolution of the novilleros, Marco Pérez. Bulls from Los Espartales and Domingo Hernández and novillos from Los Eulogios will be fought at the event.

Without a doubt, for Fernando Adrián this event is not just another one, but one of the most special of his season, since although he is a native of the town of Torres de la Alameda, he has a significant connection with Valdetorres de Jarama, as a large part of his training takes place in this municipality, in addition to having a good number of friends there.

Thus, on April 27th, he will have the opportunity to showcase his moment alongside two other key names from each of their ranks with the first figure of horseback bullfighting, the winner of San Isidro last year, and the great impact among the novilleros.

The bullfight, which is supported by the City Council, is organised by businessman Rafael Ayuso.

His two resounding afternoons in this ring in 2021 and 2023

In this ring, Fernando Adrián has left two resounding performances in the last three seasons. The first was in September 2021, when Adrián was competing for a Chenel Cup, of which he ended up being the top winner. That day, he cut four ears from bulls of Los Maños and Montealto in this scenario, establishing himself as a key piece of the tournament.

Last year, Adrián also fought in this square, cutting three ears from two bulls of Zacarías Moreno and Victoriano del Río on April 30th.

After Valdetorres de Jarama, Fernando Adrián has two fundamental appointments in his career: his confirmation of alternative in France at the Pentecost Fair in Nimes, and the appointment of the Charity Bullfight on June 9th in Las Ventas alongside Morante de la Puebla and Sebastián Cast