San Isidro's numbers

Published : 2017-08-02 00:00:00
Categories : Madrid

The average attendance was 19,625 spectators each day.

Plaza 1 has prepared a report with the most relevant figures thrown by the 2017 San Isidro Fair. These are some of them:

  • 7 Puertas Grandes; Ginés Marín, Enrique Ponce, Juan del Álamo, Diego Ventura (with two), Leonardo Hernández and Sergio Galán.
  • 3 two-ear performances; Ginés Marín, Diego Ventura and Sergio Galán.
  • 24 one-ear tasks; Morenito de Aranda, David Mora, Antonio Ferrera, Alejandro Talavante (three), El Juli, Sebastián Castella, Joselito Adame, Miguel Ángel Perera, Roca Rey, Enrique Ponce (two), Gómez del Pilar and Juan del Álamo (two), Diego Ventura (three), Leonardo Hernández (two), Sergio Galán, Lea Vicens and Juan Miguel.
  • 5 vueltas al ruedo; Fortes, Gonzalo Caballero and Juan del Álamo (ear with two laps), Jesús Enrique Colombo and Sergio Galán.
  • 8 injured; Javier Jiménez, David Galván, Manuel Muñoz, Alejandro Talavante, Francisco José Espada, Juan Miguel, José Carlos Venegas and Alberto Aguilar.
  • 5 confirmations; Ginés Marín, Álvaro Lorenzo, Joaquín Galdós, Francisco José Espada and Varea.
  • 201 bulls fought; of 10 different breeds (Domecq, Núñez, Santacoloma, Atanasio, Osborne, Albaserrada, Hidalgo Barquero, Murube, Celestino Cuadri and Miura), 2 vueltas al ruedo (Hebrea de Jandilla and Liebre de Rehuelga), 33 ovations in dragging (four of Victorino Martín, three of Alcurrucén, three of La Quinta, three of Domingo Hernández, two of Conde de Mayalde, two of Conde de Mayalde, two of Alcurrucén and one of La Quinta), two from Conde de Mayalde, two from El Montecillo, two from Rehuelga, two from El Ventorrillo, two from Dolores Aguirre, one from Victoriano del Río, one from Buenavista, one from Montealto, one from Montalvo, one from Núñez del Cuvillo, one from Vegahermosa, one from Fermín Bohórquez, one from Los Espartales, one from El Capea and one from Carmen Lorenzo).

San Isidro 2017 has had an increase of 799 season tickets and the historical record of 40,000 tickets sold on the first day. A continuous 32-day cycle in which the 9 'No tickets available' evenings stand out and which has had an average attendance of 19,625 spectators each day, which represents more than 83% of the total capacity of the bullring of Las Ventas in each celebration.