A luxury Pedro Romero Fair

Published : 2019-10-16 00:00:00
Categories : Programs and fairs

A luxury Pedro Romero Fair

The Bullring of Ronda will celebrate three bullfights between August 30 to September 1

A steers-bullfight, a hand-to-hand bullfighting for the 'Goyesca' and the traditional art of bullfighting with horses make up the Pedro Romero Fair 2019. The Goyesca reaches its 63rd edition in the Real Maestranza of Ronda and the protagonists of this year will be Morante de La Puebla and Roca Rey, with bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq-Parladé. One more year, the 'No tickets' is insured.

The youngest will have their opportunity in the bullfight without horses of Torrestrella that will open the Fair. And the figures of the rejoneo Rui Fernandes, Diego Ventura and Andrés Romero will make the paseíllo in the closing.

Ronda Bullfighting