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Bullfight Palha.– Bullfighting Bulls – All the information about cattle firms, Owner, insignia, farms, acronym and history. Buy your tickets for all bull fighting events with bulls from Palha. Ranch.

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Bulls Palha

Owner: Society Agrícola dos Arinhos, Ltda

Badge: Blue and white

Acronym: UGV

Ear signal: “Split in two

Cattle farm: “Heredade de Adema” Santarem (Portugal)

History: Formed in 1848 by don Antonio José Pereira Palha than in 1875 he lays it on behalf of his son D. José Perira Palha Blanco, with bulls of Portuguese origin and Concha y Sierra, Miura, Tres Palacios and Veragua. In 1937, Francisco and Carlos Van Zeller Palha, grandchildren inherited livestock that acquired cows Pinto Barreiros and stallions of Belmonte and Domingo Ortega. Mr Van Zeller Palha Botelho Neves and Folque de Mendoça step by his nephews in 1980. Today the livestock is formed with cows and Rams 'Pinto Barreiros' and "Torrealta" cross between them and the second source is made up of cows and bulls of Baltasar Ibán.