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Los Maños

Bullfight Los Maños.– Bullfighting Bulls – All the information about cattle firms, Owner, insignia, farms, acronym and history. Buy your tickets for all bull fighting events with bulls from Los Maños. Ranch.

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Bulls Los Maños

Owner: Marcuello Brothers

Badge: Green and Yellow

Acronym: AGL

Ear signal: Earrings into both ears.

Cattle farm: Tapana, Arráez e iruelas Tarifa “Cádiz”

History: Los Maños livestock enters the Association of breeders of Lidia in 1988 with Bulls from Mr. José Santolaya Gallego. Subsequently removed all of the above and purchased cows and bulls Mr. Pablo Mayoral Benito, of origin Santa Coloma. In 2007, cows and two stallions of Bucare, also of Santa Coloma, owned by Mr. Javier Buendía Ramírez origin are added. The mayoral of livestock is Mr. José María Gallego Ros.