Jose Luis Moreno View larger

Jose Luis Moreno bullfighter

Buy your bullfight tickets to see José Luis Moreno bullfighter in all fairs and bullrings where José Luis Moreno fight this season 2016. Official sale of bullfight tickets.

*Photo: Opinionytoros

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Bullfighter Jose Luis Moreno

Jose Luis Moreno (Two Towers, Valley of the Pedroches-Cordoba, November 28, 1974).

Horseless debuted in Cordoba. As an apprentice works evenings at 7 Sales and 1 in the Real Maestranza de Sevilla.

I take the alternative in the arena of The Caliphs (Córdoba), the May 30, 1996. Torrestrella Bulls (1º Chupaíto). Sponsor: Enrique Ponce. Witness: Finito de Córdoba.

Guardian: What was Paco Dorado and Simon Casas. From December 1, 2000 breaks up with Casas-Paton and Diego Robles think as a new agent. In March 2002, is again taken over by businessman Paco Dorado. From January 2007 the employer is your agent Pepin Fernandez.

He's out the door 7 times Great Los Califas (Córdoba), although in 1998 is absent in the Cordoba Fair not agree with the poster of the three runs that are offered.