Hermanos Sánchez de León View larger

Hermanos Sánchez de León

Bullfight Hermanos Sánchez de León – Bullfighting Bulls – All the information about cattle firms, Owner, insignia, farms, acronym and history. Buy your tickets for all bull fighting events with bulls from Hermanos Sánchez de León.

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Bulls Hermanos Sánchez de León

Owner: D. Ramón y D. Francisco Sánchez de León 

Currency: Scarlet and gold

Acronym: UGJ

Farms: 'La Marquina' 10200 TRUJILLO (Cáceres).

History: Formed by D. Alvaro Davila, Marquess of Villamarta, in 1893. Over the years, passed from parents has children and was also sold to reach the hands of Sanchez de Leon brothers in 2007, which eliminated all of the above, changing the iron and currency. The brothers formed the livestock with cows and sires of "Source Ymbro" and "Jandilla".