The fighting-bull ranches of the Bullfighting Fair of Burgos 2020

Published : 2019-12-18 00:00:00
Categories : Breaking News

Tauroemoción has announced the five irons that will star in the Fair of San Pedro and San Pablo in the Castilian capital

Victorino Martín (best bull of the Fair 2019), Román Sorando (best fighting-bull ranch 2019), Antonio Bañuelos, Torrealta and Luis Albarrán are the five livestock chosen by the Tauroemoción company for the Bullfighting Fair of San Pedro and San Pablo 2020.

To the first two winners, the iron of Torrealta joins, which returns next year after obtaining the prize for the best bull of the Fair in 2017. The bulls for the horse-bullfight will be from Luis Albarrán and the Burgos fighting-bull rancher Antonio Bañuelos will repeat after the great expectation of 2019, when the 'No tickets' hung up the afternoon he was fighting.

The Bullfighting Fair of San Pedro and San Pablo de Burgos will be held from June 27 to July 1, 2020.

Burgos bullfighting fair 2020

The main irons of the next Burgos bullfighting Fair. Tauroemoción.